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Eaglet Eye is a technology company, based in The Netherlands, developing innovative medical devices for eye care. Our objective is to apply breakthrough technology to improve lives for both eye care professionals as well as their patients.

Our technology is at the forefront of the industry, raising standards and enabling eye-care professionals to make ever more accurate diagnoses. We are driven by the desire to improve visual acuity through enhancing contact lens fitting procedures. Our latest technology, the Eye Surface Profiler (ESP) allows for a more precise eye measurement than ever before, improving the fit and comfort of contact lenses for everyone.

Company’s Keywords:

medical devices, optometry, medical, health care, topography, eye care, contact lenses, profilometry

Q How Many Employees Does This Company Have?


Q Which Industry Does This Company Belong To?

medical devices

Q What Is the Annual Income?


Q What Is the Technology of All the Company’s Website?

Gmail, Google Apps, Hubspot, LearnDash,, Google Font API, Mobile Friendly, Apache, Vimeo, OpenSSL, Google Tag Manager

Q What Year Was the Company Founded?

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