

In Austria, only companies lead by authorized (i.e. owner of the so called „Gewerbeschein”, the national licence for handling with medical devices) managing directors may sell (and develop) this kind of products.

For this reason, foreign suppliers must usually either sell through a local distributor (pretending an own mark-up on the products) or even found an own subsidiary (with all related risks and fix costs).
AUSTRIA4MED can provide a more efficient alternative solution, offering to its partners a dedicated, authorized importing platform for medical devices without fix costs.

Additionally to this, AUSTRIA4MED can also provide to international manufacturers all necessary know how, certified ressources and tools for promoting their own business in Austria in the most cost effective way, both from the scratch as well as optimizing already existing business models, without requiring any kind of own fix staff.

AUSTRIA4MED is an Austrian cluster of professionals with a long track record in providing successfull services of corporate business development in Austria and in abroad.

Company’s Keywords:

appointment of legal licence for handling with medical devices in austria, optimization of sales chain in austria, importing medical devices to austria, onestop consulting for the austrian medical device market

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