
Ortivus develops and commercialises MobiMed, medical technology solutions for a safer and more efficient healthcare. The company was founded in 1985 and is today a leading provider of mobile digital solutions for prehospital care, worldwide. Ortivus’ products are based on in-depth expertise in cardiology as well as decades of development together with users and customers. The company’s headquarters are located in Danderyd, Stockholm and the company has, since 1998, a wholly owned subsidiary based in the United Kingdom.

MobiMed is a modular platform that currently is used by over 12 000 paramedics in over 2 700 emergency vehicles. The platform consists of a monitor that in real-time measures, monitors and shares patients’ vital parameters, such as, ECG, blood pressure and blood oxygenation. The system also consists of an electronic patient record for decision support, collection of patient data and clinical documentation. MobiMed has a total weight of 3 kg and is created to function in a demanding environment and out in the field. The two-way communication supports telemedicine consulting with clinical experts while patient data is seamlessly integrated into the medical records at the hospitals and primary care centers.

MobiMed saves time and helps healthcare professionals make the right decisions in critical situations. MobiMed also contributes to improved quality of care and saved resources.

Company’s Keywords:

epr, wireless patient monitoring, prehospital care, primary care, prehospital monitor, epcr, prehospital epr

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