

DENTEX is a highly professional exhibition, an exceptional occasion for the Belgian and European dental community to meet

Created by professionals for the professionals of the dental community, DENTEX is strictly reserved to them.
This increasingly famous two-yearly event each time seems to meet more and more the expectations of the practitioners, who rush to get there. Attracted before anything else by the discovery of technical innovations of all kinds and by the great diversity and vast scope of the assortments and equipment presented in an often extremely didactic manner, the dentists, stomatologists and dental technicians are also happy to meet each other there in a warm and professional atmosphere. The Brussels Dental Exhibition is one of those which, in Europe, attracts the most dentists in relation to the total number of practitioners in practice in Belgium.

When ? From Thursday 18th till Saturday 20th September 2014.
Where ? Brussels Expo, Brussels, Belgium

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salon equipements et produits dentaires, information dentisterie, units dentaires, radiographie dentaire

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