

The Heartland Healing Specialist’s understand that a rapid recovery is crucial after any major injury or operation. To ensure the fastest possible recovery, the Heartland Healing Specialists turn to the innovate Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. This treatment offers a promising solution to accelerate wound healing, bone growth, and tissue sealing. The philosophy behind the treatment is to combine cutting edge technology with the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

The PRP treatment begins with a small amount of blood drawn from the patients arm. This blood is then placed in a centrifuge that rapidly spins the blood for approximately 15 minutes. This step removes the components of blood that are not primarily responsible for healing. What remains is an increased concentration of platelets, which are rich in healing properties called growth factors.

The injection of the blood back into the body is performed with ultrasound guidance to ensure the target injury is reached within a millimeter. After resting for 5-10 minutes after the procedure, the patient is discharged home with minimal scarring and on average a healing time three times faster.

If this procedure sounds beneficial to you or someone you know, contact the Heartland Healing Specialists to set up a consultation.

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